- 09 Apr 2011
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We have collected a page with the EU funded projects that we are aware and you can see it here.

We just want to inform all of you interested in the Hydra middleware that we are working hard to finish the project and provide the Open Source reference implementation on SourceForge. The project has been prolonged to the end of 2010 in order to develop a set of templates and projects for demonstration of the Hydra middleware. We expect to be able to release the results of the project by middle of January 2011 so please come back to get the latest information here on our website. Regards the Hydra team.

The REACTION project (Remote Accessibility to Diabetes Management and Therapy in Operational Healthcare Networks) seeks to use the significant potential of new technologies to help cope with diabetes.
The REACTION platform will apply a service-oriented architecture, taking advantage of the LinkSmart middleware developed in the Hydra project for detection of devices and creation of web service interfaces, thus building on and adding to the progress already made in the Hydra project.

The Cluster of European Research Projects on the Internet of Things (CERP-IoT) has published a book called Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things (March 2010). Hydra partners have contributed to this book with the article Open Source Middleware for Networked Embedded Systems towards Future Internet of Things: ASPIRE & HYDRA PROJECT.
The Clusterbook gives the reader an insight into the research and initiatives related to the Internet of Things (IoT). Several initiatives and research projects, Hydra included, have contributed to the Clusterbook by reporting on their experiences, approaches and perspectives on the IoT. The Clusterbook plays an important part in promoting Europe’s strong position in development of a future Internet of Things. The Clusterbook Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things can be downloaded here.

A new course material for training in ethical considerations in the design of HYDRA enabled services and applications is now available for download. The training document will give the reader an overview of what ethics are and why ethics in ICT are important. Moreover, it defines the main ethical problems related to ICT development (especially in relation to healthcare and assistive ICTs), and provides the reader with a method of to identify ethical issues.
The course material is aimed at software developers who will gain an insight into the potential ethical dilemmas embedded in the design of ICT services and applications. However, anyone with an interest in the ethics of ICT may benefit from this course material.

To watch the broadcast (in German) click here
- 16 Mar 2010
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- 04 Mar 2010
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In order to explore new market opportunities based on Hydra middleware, the project is hosting a workshop on sustainable business models in for ICTs in agriculture on 27 January 2010 in Rome. The workshop will allow various stakeholders and experts from different EU countries to discuss and identify sustainable business models for the Hydra middleware in the agricultural domain.
If you are interested in participating please send a brief biography specifying your interest in the workshop to Alessio Gugliotta: a.gugliotta@innova-eu.net or Trine F. Sørensen: tfs@in-jet.dk
Please note that there are a limited number of spaces available.

The feature article is available here: ICT Results - Features