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Hydra is affilliated with the following programs and organisations:

The Hydra coordinater FhG FIT is a member of ARTEMISIA, the association for R&D actors in the field of ARTEMIS: Advanced Research & Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems.

The Hydra middleware allows developers to create inclusive applications with a high degree of accessibility for all. The Hydra project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

The Hydra project is part of the Cluster of European projects on the Internet of Things. The Cluster aims to promote a common vision of the Internet of Things.

The Hydra project is co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme in the area of Networked Embedded Systems under contract IST-2005-034891

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Hydra in the press
The Hydra project is generating a lot of attention in the press. Here are a selection of the magazines and papers that have carried articles or news flashes about the project.

Software magazines

Cleantech Group (20/01/2010):
A new way to ‘plogg’ power consumption
"Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute has invented a new application to monitor energy consumption of various devices, with data that’s accessible using a cell phone’s camera… The basis for the latest application is called “Hydra” middleware, which is extended by an energy protocol. The middleware administers communication between devices, cutting down on work for programmers, according to the institute."
Read the article here

Inovação Tecnológica (05/02/2010):
Tecnologias do futuro: Domótica e Internet das Coisas
"Casas inteligentes pressupõem equipamentos eletrônicos e eletrodomésticos que, mesmo não sendo um primor em termos de QI, sejam capazes pelo menos de conversar uns com os outros. Isto começa a se tornar possível, graças ao trabalho de um consórcio de empresas e instituições de pesquisas da Europa. Eles construíram uma camada intermediária de software e hardware - um middleware - que permite que sensores e equipamentos de diversos fabricantes troquem dados e funcionem de forma cooperativa."
Read the article here (Portuguese only)

Baixaki (10/02/2010):
Tudo interligado em sua casa.
“Acompanhe o desenvolvimento de softwares que permitem a integração de diferentes equipamentos domésticos e prepare-se para muito mais conforto, economia e segurança em sua casa…Hydra é o nome do projeto de um software open source (código aberto) com essa preocupação. Além de proporcionar muito mais conforto para os residentes, a utilização do Hydra potencializa a segurança doméstica. Suas possibilidades são inúmeras e o projeto deixa o desenvolvimento dos produtos completamente livre.”
Read the article here (Portuguese only)

Engineering magazines

Engineer Live (23/03/2010):
Wireless data acquisition benefits broad spectrum of applications.
"Hydra middleware enables developers to incorporate heterogeneous physical devices into applications by means of easy-to-use web service interfaces for controlling any type of physical device irrespective of its network technology - such as Bluetooth, RF, Zigbee, RFID (radio-frequency identification) and Wifi."
Read the entire article here.

General press (01/02/2010):
Mit dem Handy den Stromverbrauch kontrollieren.
"Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik stellt Anfang März auf der Cebit in Hannover eine Technik vor, mit der Privathaushalte ihren Stromverbrauch besser kontrollieren können. Dazu bekommt jedes elektronische Geräteinen kleinen Adapter zwischen Stecker und Steckdose verpasst.”
Read this article in (German only):

See also:
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (04/02/2010)
Westfälische Nachrichten (04/02/2010)
Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung (15/02/2010)
General-Anzeiger (25/02/2010)

Articles in connection with the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (15-18 February 2010):

Making it easier to save energy
"Fraunhofer scientists are developing programs that help show at a glance how much energy devices are consuming. At the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the researchers will be showing how a cell phone can help save energy (Hall 2, Stand E41). Everyone wants to save energy, but there are few individuals who can tell you exactly how much energy the devices in their homes consume. For example, which consumes more power – the dishwasher or the television? To answer such questions and to give consumers a sense of where the energy guzzlers hide, the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT in Sankt Augustin, Germany has developed an application that demonstrates the energy consumption of individual devices in the household. The basis for this is the “Hydra” middleware developed by the institute which is extended by an energy protocol. A middleware reduces the workload of programmers: in Hydra’s case, by administering the communication between devices."

Click on one of the links below to read the entire article:

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (13/01/2010 - in German)
Innovations Report (13/01/2010 - in German)
E! Science News (14/01/2010)
Alpha Galileo (15/01/2010)
First Science (15/01/2010)
Innovations Report (15/01/2010)
News Guide (16/01/2010)
Engineer Live (18/01/2010)
Bright Surf – The Resources for Science Information (18/01/2010)
Teknik og Viden (18/01/2010)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (18/01/2010)
CORDIS Wire News (20/01/2010)
Science Centric (20/01/2010)
Science Daily (20/01/2010)
Science Blog

Other articles related to GSMA:

Pressrelations (13/01/2010)
Materialsgate (14/01/2010)
Oeko News (21/02/2010)
Build Up (24/01/2010)
Casa & Clima (25/01/2010)

Articles in connection with CeBIT 2010:

Intelligent Energy Management for the Home.
"In order to save energy, consumers need to be able to obtain up-to-date information at any time about the energy consumption of their appliances, and be able to control them while away from home."
This article was published on various sites in relation to the demonstration of Hydra’s energy demo at the world's biggest high-tech fair, CeBIT, in Hanover (March 2010). Click on one of the links below to read the entire article: (24/02/2010)
E! Science News (25/02/2010)
Science Daily (26/02/2010)
Teknik og Viden (26/02/2010)
News Guide (26/02/2010)
Alpha Galileo (26/02/2010)
redOrbit (27/02/2010)

Fridges talk to washing machines at high-tech fair:

Bay Ledger (03/03/2010)
Sydney Morning Herald (03/03/2010)
Brisbane Times News (03/03/2010)
The Age (03/03/2010)
France 24 (03/03/2010)
Breitbart (03/03/2010)
Expatica (03/03/2010)
Yahoo! Xtra News (03/03/2010)
PhysOrg (03/03/2010)
Shenzhen Daily (08/03/2010)

TVs talk to washing machines as appliances get connected:

The Age (05/03/2010)
Sydney Morning Herald (05/03/2010)
Brisbane Times (05/03/2010)
WA Today (05/03/2010)

CeBIT: Wenn der Kühlschrank mit dem Rechner spricht…Intelligente Systeme helfen zukünftig beim Energiesparen im Haushalt
"Forscher des Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT in Sankt Augustin haben eine Anwendung entwickelt, die den Energieverbrauch der einzelnen Geräte im Haushalt aufzeigt. So lassen sich die Energiefresser im eigenen Zuhause ermitteln, und die Verbraucher bekommen ein Gefühl dafür, welche Geräte wie viel Energie verbrauchen, wo sich also auch viel einsparen lässt. Basis dafür ist die vom Institut entwickelte Middleware „Hydra“, die um ein spezielles Energieprotokoll erweitert wurde."
Read the article in:
Scinexx – Das Wissensmagazin (03/03/2010)

3D, tablettes, smartphones.... retour sur les tendances du CeBit 2010
“Le téléphone portable sait déjà passer des appels, envoyer des SMS, se connecter à Internet, prendre des photos, télécharger des applications aussi ludiques que pratique, etc.. Désormais, il pourra aussi surveiller le cycle du sommeil de son propriétaire pour le réveiller au meilleur moment (application Sleep Cycle de Lexware Labs), communiquer avec le pacemaker d'un patient cardiaque (H'andy sana 210 du Marketing Berlin Group) ou agir comme terminal de contrôle de plusieurs appareils au sein d'un même foyer, comme un lave-linge ou le chauffage (Hydra middleware).”
This article was published in the following (French only):

Le JDC (05/03/2010)
Le Berry (05/03/2010)
Le Populaire (05/03/2010)
La Montagne (05/03/2010) – Le web du business IT (09/03/2010)

Other articles about the energy demo the Hydra project presented at CeBIT and GSMA: (13/01/2010)
Elektronik Praxis (14/01/2010)
Pressetext Austria (14/01/2010)
Connect (14/01/2010)
Der Standard (14/01/2010)
Technology Review (19/01/2010)
Mobile2day (20/01/2010)
Hanoi Power Company