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WP 11
- 24 Sep 2007
- Project information
- 5881 Reads
Technical scope >> WP 11 - Demonstration
WP 11 - Demonstration
Whilst the majority of both developer and consumer end-user validation will be undertaken internally within the Consortium in WP 10, these activities will be broadened out to include a limited validation with external users. This is necessary to ensure that the Consortium does not act in too introspective a manner but rather takes a broader view of the potential user community. These relatively limited activities will be treated as demonstration as they are part of the process of taking to the project message to a wider community.Demonstration of the HYDRA prototype will be performed jointly by the end-users and the developer users and the lessons-learned will be documented in a report for each application domain. The target groups for these demonstrations are industrial manufacturing companies, system integrators and other potential customers, public stakeholders and decision makers, research organisations, and the general press. The demonstration middleware will also be available for individual exploitation one year after the project ends.