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The Hydra coordinater FhG FIT is a member of ARTEMISIA, the association for R&D actors in the field of ARTEMIS: Advanced Research & Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems.

The Hydra middleware allows developers to create inclusive applications with a high degree of accessibility for all. The Hydra project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

The Hydra project is part of the Cluster of European projects on the Internet of Things. The Cluster aims to promote a common vision of the Internet of Things.

The Hydra project is co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme in the area of Networked Embedded Systems under contract IST-2005-034891

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* Architecture related projects
MORE - Network-centric Middleware for GrOup communication and Resource Sharing across Heterogeneous Embedded Systems
MORE is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) that is going to implement new technology to facilitate communication and distributed intelligence across groups of users using different wireless standards. The project addresses the problem of how the interaction between humans and embedded systems can be efficiently supported by developing a system that can be tailored to the specific needs of diverse organizations.

EMMA - Embedded Middleware in Mobility Applications
The EMMA project aims at using new embedded middleware to support the underlying logic and communications required for future cooperating wireless objects. The project is committed to deliver a middleware platform and a development environment which facilitates the design and implementation of embedded software for cooperative sensing objects.The ultimate aim that the project will focus on delivering is to hide the complexity of the underlying infrastructure whilst providing open interfaces to third parties enabling the faster, cost-efficient development of new cooperative sensing applications.

WINSOC - Wireless sensor Networks with Self-Organization capabilities for Critical and emergency applications
The project explores the possibility to develop a novel technology for Wireless Sensor Networks, which has significant potentials for overcoming conventional technologies in terms of cost, size and power consumption. The key idea of WINSOC is the development of a totally innovative design methodology, imitating biologically systems, where the high accuracy and reliability of the whole sensor network is achieved through a proper interaction among nearby, low cost, sensors.

ANGEL - Advanced Networked embedded platform as a Gateway to Enhance quality of Life
The main objective of this project is to develop methods and tools for building heterogeneous systems in which Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and traditional communication networks cooperate to monitor and improve the quality of life in common habitats, e.g., home, car and city environment. In particular the maintenance of the personal health potentiality will be addressed.

ANDRES - ANalysis and Design of run-time REconfigurable, heterogeneous Systems
The high level objective of the ANDRES project is to improve the competitiveness of innovative European industries, such as the telecommunication and automotive, by reducing the design time and cost of highly integrated embedded systems. These systems are heterogeneous in nature and include up to four different domains: software, analogue hardware, static hardware, and dynamically re-configurable hardware, the latter gaining importance because of its new attractive combination of flexibility and efficiency.

FRESCOR - Framework for Real-time Embedded Systems based on COntRacts
The main objective of the project is to develop the enabling technology and infrastructure required to effectively use the most advanced techniques developed for real-time applications with flexible scheduling requirements, in embedded systems design methodologies and tools, providing the necessary elements to target re-configurable processing modules and re-configurable distributed architectures.

SENSE - Smart Embedded Network of Sensing Entities
The SENSE project will develop methods, tools and a test platform for the design, implementation and operation of smart adaptive wireless networks of embedded sensing components. The network is an ambient intelligent system, which adapts to its environment, creates ad-hoc networks of heterogeneous components, and delivers reliable information to its component sensors and the user. The sensors cooperate to build and maintain a coherent global view from local information. Newly added nodes automatically calibrate themselves to the environment, and share knowledge with neighbours. The network is scalable due to local information processing and sharing, and self-organizes based on the physical placement of nodes.

SOCRADES - Service-oriented cross-layer infrastructure for distributed smart embedded systems
The goal of the SOCRADES project is to create new methodologies, technologies and tools for the modelling, design, implementation and operation of networked hardware/software systems embedded in smart physical objects. The smart embedded system is to be applied in perception and control systems in intelligent environments, in which enhanced system intelligence is achieved by cooperation of smart embedded devices pursuing common goals. These devices with embedded intelligence and sensing/actuating capabilities are expected to be heterogeneous yet they need to interact seamlessly and intensively over a network (wired/wireless).

COGMA - Cooperative Gadgets for Mobile Appliances
In this project, a middleware named COGMA for mobile appliances was developed. It enables the easy development of cooperative applications among various kinds of appliances in mobile environment.

DECOS - Dependable Embedded Components and Systems
DECOS is an integrative project that will develop the basic enabling technology to move from a federated distributed architecture to an integrated distributed architecture in order to reduce development, production and maintenance cost and increase the dependability of embedded applications in many application domains. DECOS plans to develop technology invariant software interfaces and encapsulated virtual networks with predictable temporal properties such that application software can be transferred to a new hardware and communication base with minimal effort (legacy re-use).

EMBEDDED WISENTS - Cooperating Embedded Systems for Exploration and Control featuring Wireless Sensor Networks
WiSeNts intends to explore the actual needs of manufacturers and appliers of this technology as well as the ensuing, most challenging research issues; to identify road blockers for progress; to present a roadmap how these road blockers can be removed; and to foster teaching and education to form a basis for future research.  

GOLLUM - Generic Open Link-Layer API for Unified Media Access
The GOLLUM project aims at studying and creating key parts of an embedded, open, operating system independent link-layer API to unify the various methods for accessing different wired and especially wireless links. The aim is to remedy the current, very difficult situation where a separate programming interface exists for almost every wireless technology.

NECST - Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults
The aim of the NeCST (Networked Control System Tolerant to faults) is to explore research opportunities in the direction of distributed control system in order to enhance the performances of diagnostics and fault tolerant control systems. This will lead to improving the intensive use of NeCS technologies for the reactivity, autonomy and monitoring of large scale systems.

ICODES - Interface- and Communication-based Design of Embedded Systems
The ICODES project will produce research results and prototypes of Electronic System Design Automation tools, which will enable the European electronic system industry to reduce their design time and cost of the next generation of embedded intelligent devices. These devices will enable new powerful services as well as innovative products. In particular ICODES main target is to provide a design technology for embedded systems containing many and heterogeneous communicating components in hardware and software.

HIPEAC - High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers
HiPEAC addresses the design and implementation of high-performance commodity computing devices in the 10+ year horizon, covering both the processor design, the optimising compiler infrastructure, and the evaluation of upcoming applications made possible by the increased computing power of future devices. The objectives of HiPEAC are to ensure the visibility of European institutions in the high performance embedded marked, and to promote the integration of research efforts in a common direction. HiPEAC will also provide the means for easy collaboration among members, and rapid dissemination of knowledge among the community, as well as strengthening the relationships between academia and European industry.

HYCON - Hybrid Control: taming heterogeneity and complexity of networked embedded systems
The objective of the NoE HYCON is establishing a durable community of leading researchers and practitioners who develop and apply the hybrid systems approach to the design of networked embedded control systems as found, e.g., in industrial production, transportation systems, generation and distribution of energy, communication systems. HYCON aims at a major advancement of the methodology for the design of such systems and their application in power management, industrial controls, automotive control and communication networks.

ENACTIVE - Enactive interfaces

The objective of the ENACTIVE Network of Excellence is to join excellent researchers to define and develop reliable solutions for enactive interaction and overcome the two main bottlenecks of present Interface Technologies: 

  • The need of increasing of artificial systems reactivity to reach the same level of human action-perception abilities in complex tasks;

  • The link of physical sensory-motor events (enactive experiences) with the symbolic information and knowledge technologies.

SIMILAR - The European research taskforce creating human-machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication
SIMILAR will create an integrated task force on multimodal interfaces that respond efficiently to speech, gestures, vision, haptics and direct brain connections by merging into a single research group excellent European laboratories in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Signal Processing.

AIM@SHAPE - Advanced and Innovative Models And Tools for the development of Semantic-based systems for Handling, Acquiring, and Processing Knowledge Embedded in multidimensional digital objects
The Mission of AIM@SHAPE is to foster the development of new methodologies for modelling and processing the knowledge related to digital shapes. The goal of AIM@SHAPE is to integrate research on digital shapes modelling and processing with Knowledge Technologies and Semantic Web tools.

AMI - Augmented Multi-party Interaction
This Integrated Project addresses a wide range of critical multi-disciplinary activities and applications, including: multimodal input interfaces (primarily speech and visual input); integration of modalities and coordination among modalities, e.g. (asynchronous) multi-channel processing; meeting dynamics and human-human interaction modelling; content abstraction, including multimodal information indexing, summarising, and retrieval; technology transfer; and training activities, including an international exchange programme.

CHIL - Computers In the Human Interaction Loop
The objective of this project is to explore and create environments in which computers serve humans who focus on interacting with other humans as opposed to having to attend to and being preoccupied by the machines themselves.

SIMS - Semantic interfaces for mobile services
The project SIMS will provide tools for design and validation of service components with semantic interfaces. SIMS will provide middleware that enables discovery and validation of service opportunities between peers in ad-hoc interactions. The middleware will support efficient deployment of service components through runtime composition of applications from service components.